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A set of helper functions to take advantage of US Roadways data--including the shapes for major roads.

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Roads package in R Programming Language


This is a helper package to deal with data on major interstates, highways, and state roads. When I was dealing with this data I noticed that it was a bit finicky and that no one had posted work or code so I thought I'd just make it easier and release some functions that I found helpful.

The data that is being used can be downloaded from the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty . The metadata is available at and I strongly suggest looking through it before you integrate this data to make sure you're getting what you actually want.

This package is still in development, but should be available by the end of the March 2016 (at the latest). If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email at SathishCDeeviatgmaildotcom. I hope you find this useful!

-Sathish Deevi
